Another event organized on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of VŠVU (Slovak Academy of Fine Arts)

We are proud to be a partner for the 65th anniversary celebrations at VŠVU (The Slovak Academy of Fine Arts)!
Just today, October 2, two distinguished artists linked to the history of VŠVU were awarded honorary degrees "Doctor honoris causa". They are Slovak artist, Rudolf Filo, and Czech photographer, Jindřich Štreit. There is a joint exhibition of both artists' works entitled "In optima forma" now open for viewing at the Medium Gallery. More informationa can be found on
Vysoká škola výtvarných umení (VŠVU) in Bratislava is one of the oldest and the biggest Slovak fine art institutions. It provides university-level education in various artistic fields. During its 65 years of existence, it has built a strong reputation among art schools in Central Europe. Meanwhile, it continues to consolidate its standing within the European Union.