Storyline 2 speaks Slovak!
If you like Articulate Storyline 2 as much as we do, we believe you will be pleased with this small gift that will simplify creation of courses in the Slovak language. We now have a Slovak version of the text player for you (buttons, responses, notifications, …).
How do I learn to work with my Storyline in Slovak?
1. Download the file: Slovak.xml
2. Open a new project in Storyline 2 or open a project where you would like to have Slovak texts.
3. Select “Player” in the “Story View” menu.
4. A menu, “Player Properties” will open for you. There you can click on the “Text Labels” tab.
5. When you find the language name, click on the “Open File” button and open the “Slovak.xml” file.
6. For future use of Slovak texts: click on the save button after opening the Slovak texts and save the texts to the standard folder, Storyline-u (to the folder that opens up). For your next project, all you have to do is select these texts in the drop-down menu.
Here, you also have an illustrative guide: